Very rare with all the inlays intact
Los 2755
Circa 4th-6th centuries. Weight of 3 Ounkia (Orichalcum, 35x35 mm, 80.38 g), a uniface square commercial weight with double-grooved edges. Three ornamented arches, one curved, the others pointed, supported by four columns; all engraved in outline and inlaid in copper; underneath the pointed arches, Γᴑ and Γ; underneath the curved central arch, cross above monogram of ΘЄ૪XAPIC ('Grace of God'); all engraved in outline and inlaid in silver. Rev. Blank. Bendall 66 var. (ΘЄ૪XAPIC spelled out). CPAI -. MAH -71 var. = Pondera 12259 var. (ΘЄ૪XAPIC spelled out). Very rare with all the inlays intact. Good very fine.

From a Swiss collection of ancient weights, ex Leu 7, 24-25 October 2020, 2052.
75 CHF
320 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 26-Feb-24, 12:02:00 CET
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